Category: WORKOUTS

Are Pre-Workout Supplements Good For You?

When you are hitting the gym, you want to be able to give it 100%, but sometimes it’s hard to get motivated. Whether you are sneaking in a workout before work or...

How Often Do You Go To the Gym Weekly To See Results?

2 to 5 training sessions of 30-40 minutes: here's how many times to go to the gym per week and why. You have finally (re) found the motivation to join the gym;...

Test: Sports Fan Or Sports Muffle – How Athletic Are You?

Sport keeps the body fit! It's good for your health and your figure. Are you already top fit, or should you step on the gas again? Take the test and find out...

Ten Ingenious Tips That You Should Know For Practical Strength Training!

Don't be shy. Dare to do strength training. With a bit of help, you'll learn to love the benefits.Healthy bodies also need strong muscles. One way to shape and strengthen them is...

Keep Fit While Breastfeeding

Women are getting back in shape, and recovering their figure naturally after a pregnancy is not always easy. An adequate and healthy diet is the first step to regaining weight and immediately...

10 Best Equipment For CrossFit Beginners

If you love the idea of CrossFit but the thought of doing WODs (workouts of the day) in front of more experienced CrossFiters intimidates you, starting your journey with home gym equipment...