Cocoa Butter: An Ingredient Of Choice For Homemade Cosmetics

Cocoa spread is a vegetable fat integrated into numerous restorative items. Its temperances are various, just like its properties: recuperating, cancer prevention agent, and saturating… cocoa spread enjoys genuine benefits! In this way, it should be found in more profundity: what are its advantages in beauty care products? How to utilize it? Where to get it, and what recipes to plan? Here is all that conceals this multifunctional material with a dazzling taste and a more than overpowering smell!

How Is Cocoa Butter Made?

Cocoa butter is obtained from pressing cocoa beans (which makes it possible to get cocoa powder). If you want to prepare a homemade one, here are the steps to do it yourself:

  • Wash the beans.
  • Grill them between 100 and 135° for 90 minutes.
  • Let them cool.
  • Tap the beans to remove the insides.
  • Grind the cocoa nibs into “liquor” using a grinder.
  • From the liqueur, extract the butter.

Its Different Nutritional Properties

This butter can be consumed even if it is more generally used in cosmetics than cooking.

Here are the nutritional values ​​contained in 100 g of cocoa butter :

  • Calories: 884 calories.
  • Lipids: 100 g.

Among the lipids, we found 60 g of saturated fatty acids, 3 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and 33 g of monounsaturated fatty acids.

The Benefits Of Cocoa Butter In Cosmetics

Cocoa butter is good for the skin and for the hair.

For The Skin

In the first place, the cocoa spread is a characteristic enemy of maturing specialists and is fascinating for keeping skin youthful. This is expected of the phytosterols, which assist the epidermis with recovery, and the polyphenols, which are great for battling wrinkles. Hence, This margarine battles skin maturing and safeguards the skin against extreme hostilities. Cocoa spread additionally has saturated and mellowing properties, alluring temperances of battling against stretch imprints if pregnant.

To exploit this advantage, rub yourself with this vegetable fat during and after pregnancy to safeguard your skin from stretch imprints. Cocoa spread is likewise a strong enemy of cellulite. This power is related to theobromine, a compelling particle to destock fat and remove cellulite. This item can likewise be used to treat explicit skin issues like dermatitis. Also, cocoa margarine will relieve these diseases. At long last, it is ideal for the lips. As well as saturating them, it is likewise excellent for giving them a great appearance.

For Hair

Cocoa butter is perfect for hair, dehydrated hair: it nourishes, hydrates, and makes it shinier!

How To Use Cocoa Butter?

If you want to take advantage of the benefits of cocoa butter, you can buy cosmetic products that contain it (shower gels, shampoos, creams, etc.) but also make your own care products. Here are some recipe ideas.

Recipe 1: To Take Care Of Your Hair

To make a cocoa butter-based hair mask, melt this ingredient in a bain-marie and let it cool. Once an oily texture has been obtained, apply this preparation to your hair and leave for an hour before rinsing your hair. You can also use your preparation to massage your body and face.

Recipe 2: Facial Treatment

Here is one more recipe thought with cocoa spread. It is to be utilized all over. To plan 100 g of treatment, heat 25 g of cocoa margarine and 75 g of vegetable oil ( almond, argan, etc.).

Where To Buy Cocoa Butter?

Cocoa spread is accessible in a few structures: in powder or drops. You can track it down in specific stores, certain grocery stores, or on the Web. The price tag relies upon where you get it. Once bought, the cocoa spread should be kept dry, away from light and intensity. You have some control over it for as long as two years or somewhere between 2 and 90 days in the wake of opening.

Also Read: Rosehip Oil To Pamper Your Skin!

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