Cystic Acne: Causes & In-Home Remedies

When you have cystic acne, you have big, swollen, and painful breakouts deep inside your skin. When a pore in the skin surface becomes clogged, normally with dead skin cells, this is when pimples and acne form. When an infection spreads deep into the scalp, cystic acne develops, resulting in a pus-filled lump. When a cyst explodes, the virus spreads, resulting in further breakouts.

Fortunately, you can have your cystic acne treated with the help of a dermatologist. The dermatologist will utilise a cystic acne treatment Singapore to safely and effectively clear out the acne lesion completely.

Let’s learn more about cystic acne in order to avoid its development in the future.

What Causes Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne is caused by an unknown factor, according to doctors. Acne is caused by androgens, which contributes to its development. Your androgen levels rise during adolescence. This causes skin changes, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. Here are the common factors that cause acne formation:

  • Medications
  • Sweating
  • Harmful skin products
  • Pregnancy
  • PCOS
  • Tight and rough clothing
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Menopause

How to Determine a Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne is not only the most extreme form of acne, but it also has the greatest dimensions. It’s even further under the surface of the skin. The remainder seems to float on top of the skin’s surface. Cystic acne frequently resembles boils. Such distinguishing features include:

  • Tender to touch
  • Painful
  • Red, large pus-filled lesion

Does Cystic Acne Leave a Scar?

Cystic acne is the kind of acne that is most likely to leave scars. That’s why it is advisable not to pick or pop your pimple and acne. As tempting as it can be, you should do your best not to meddle with your acne. Popping your acne is the number one cause of acne scarring. This happens as the process pushes the infected substance or pus further into the dermis damaging the skin cells. As this happens, the body’s natural healing process will then work its way to heal the lesion but with an uneven skin appearance due to the damaged dermis,

While it’s better to avoid acne scars in the first place, there are several cosmetic treatments that will help reduce the presence of acne scars. However, it’s important to handle active acne first, then scars after the acne have been resolved. Better yet, do your best to avoid acne formation so you won’t have a hard time dealing with such skin issues.

Can I Treat Cystic Acne at Home?

Over-the-counter (OTC) acne medications are ineffective due to the severity of cystic acne. This means the prescription drugs would have to be obtained by a dermatologist. You will not have complete effects for up to eight weeks, depending on the type of medication used. Consult the specialist on the treatment options for cystic acne. In certain cases, a mixture of treatments is needed.

Topical retinoids

Vitamin A is sometimes used to make topical retinoids. These, however, may not have the same potency as isotretinoin. This extract and avoid serious acne by unplugging hair follicles. Topical antibiotics are often combined with retinoids to increase their effectiveness. Topical retinoids, which come in the form of creams, gels, and lotions, should be used on a regular basis.

The use of topical retinoids will cause your skin to get red and peel. When the skin adjusts to the drug, these side effects are normally only temporary. Retinoids will make you more prone to sunburn, so make sure you use sunscreen.


The most common preventive measure for cystic acne is isotretinoin, a potent prescription drug. It’s made from a potent source of vitamin A that’s taken every day as a tablet. Within four to six months, 80% of people who take it notice a difference. Despite its effectiveness, isotretinoin comes with a number of significant side effects.

Oral contraceptives

In certain women, oral contraceptives are a promising alternative for cystic acne. This approach is particularly useful if you get acne cysts during your menstrual period because of hormonal variations. For further information about oral contraceptives, it would be best to consult with a skin specialist.

Oral antibiotics

If cystic acne affects a wide area of the skin, oral antibiotics can be used to cure it. This function by reducing bacteria and inflammation, all of which can play a role in cystic acne development. Antibiotics, on the other hand, do not help with extra oil or dead skin cells. Because of questions about bacterial resistance, antibiotics can only be used for a brief period of time. If antibiotics don’t work, the doctor would probably advise you to start taking isotretinoin.

It would be ideal to consult first with your doctor, followed by a skin specialist to ensure that your current medications won’t cause any complications as you take oral antibiotics.

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