
Fats & Carbohydrates In The Muscle Building Diet

You need about 1g of fat per kilogram of body weight per day to meet your needs. Roughly speaking, saturated fatty acids are energy carriers. Monounsaturated fatty acids regulate blood cholesterol levels, and polyunsaturated fatty acids are used as building blocks for cell membranes, vitamin transporters and signal substances.

It is important that, in addition to saturated fatty acids, which can be found in many foods, you also consume sufficient amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as these are important tasks in your metabolism. 5 – 10g of unsaturated fatty acids should find their way onto your plate every day.

Eat one or more foods from this list. Many foods that contain monounsaturated fatty acids also have a small amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Foods with good saturated fat

  • Coconut oil – 85 g – Very high
  • Palm kernel fat – 78 g – High
  • Cocoa butter – 59 g – High
  • Butter – 50 g – High
  • Shea butter – 46 g – High
  • Cream cheese – 22 g – medium
  • Pumpkin seed oil – 20 g – High

Foods with monounsaturated fat

  • Olive oil – 71 g – Very high
  • Macadamia nut – 57 g – Very high
  • Hazelnut – 52 g – High
  • Pecan – 45 g – Very high
  • Sesame oil – 41 g – Very high
  • Almond – 34 g – Very high
  • Avocado – 8 g – Very high

Foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids

  • Walnut oil – 68 g – High
  • Linseed oil – 67 g – High
  • Pumpkin seed oil – 52 g – High
  • Sesame oil – 43 g – High
  • Herring – 11 g – High
  • Salmon – 11 g – High
  • Mackerel – 11 g – High

Carbohydrates in the muscle building diet

Carbohydrates are energy carriers, but they also promote muscle building. Carbohydrates occur in innumerable forms in a wide variety of foods. They are short-chain carbohydrates in fruit or table sugar and long-chain carbohydrates in potatoes, rice, and whole-grain products. After eating, your body converts them into the glycogen that it can use, which serves as an energy source.

Carbohydrates, therefore, provide you with the energy you need for your workout. Ergo: Without carbohydrates, you also have less power to train. But which carbohydrates are the right ones for your muscle-building diet, and which ones are hidden fasteners?

Building muscle with complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates, which are absorbed more slowly into the blood, also cause blood sugar to rise more slowly. You can also use fat burner products like Oxyshred to prevent fat. This is how you prevent fat deposits from building up. A high proportion of fibre and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) in the carbohydrate sources makes sense before training to avoid blood sugar fluctuations and supply the body with critical vital substances.

Vegetables, legumes, fruits, seeds and whole-grain products contain a lot of fibre, which in regular intake covers your daily requirement of 30-50g. The diverse use of these foods also provides you with essential micronutrients.

  • Raw oatmeal – 59 g – medium
  • Cooked basmati rice – 27 g – medium
  • Cooked bulgur – 25 g – medium
  • Quinoa cooked – 19 g – High
  • Cooked lentils – 17 g – High
  • Cooked potatoes – 14 g – medium
  • Baked sweet potato – 14 g – medium
  • Blueberries 8 g – High

“Fast” carbohydrates for building muscle

  1. After strength training, the fuel reserves in your muscles are exhausted and need to be replenished with carbohydrates. In this case, it makes sense to rely on “fast” carbohydrates for three reasons:

    Your memory will be whole again faster, and you will shorten your regeneration time.

  2. “Fast” carbohydrates allow your body to release more insulin, the signal substance for building muscle. Usually, you don’t want high insulin releases because carbohydrates are converted to fat when your muscle stores are full. After training, however, the carbohydrates go directly into the muscle (stores are replenished) and the second effect of insulin – the muscle-building stimulus – sets in.
  3. The training also ensures that the insulin release is regulated down again very quickly, preventing later storage of fat. Your body does not store any fat after training, so that the carbohydrates do not represent a “danger”. Depending on the level of activity, 100 – 400g of carbohydrates are helpful after training.

Tip: If you put fat on your stomach or hips, the amount of carbohydrates after training is too high.

  • Dried dates – 66 g – medium
  • Dried mango – 60 g – medium
  • Sunflower seeds – 35 g – High
  • Banana fresh – 18 g – High
  • Pineapple fresh – 13 g – medium
  • Honeydew melon fresh – 13 g – High
  • Fresh nectarine – 12 g – High

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