Properties Of Pomegranate: Here Are All The Benefits

The pomegranate is a natural product coming from the Lythracee family and has a place with the Punica variety ( Punica Granatum ). It has an ancient beginning and is developed primarily in India and the Mediterranean region. It is a round and palatable radiant red berry (aril) covered with a thick and robust strip, which is unpalatable. The organic product is known not just for its specific and extreme flavor with sweet and acidic notes but also for its advantageous wellbeing properties. Let’s find out all of the principal advantages of pomegranate.

The Beneficial Properties Of Pomegranate

Pomegranate contains numerous nutrients and effective substances for the wellbeing of our body. Let’s see the main ones:

  • Antioxidant properties (punic acid, punicalagin and vitamin C);
  • Gastro-protective properties;
  • Diuretic properties (due to the numerous presence of water, 80%);
  • Aromatic properties for the preparation of tasty foods (from pomegranate peel);
  • Refreshing properties for the gums (from pomegranate infusion with flower petals);
  • Astringent properties (from bark, flowers, and exocarp);
  • Vermifuge and anthelmintic properties against intestinal parasites;
  • Antidiarrheal properties;
  • Antithrombotic and vasoprotective properties;
  • Antibacterial and antiallergic properties;
  • Anticoagulant properties.

The beneficial properties of the pomegranate are also found in the nutritional values ​​present within it, in particular the pomegranate vitamins, which are provitamin A, C, E, and B. Furthermore, the antioxidants present help the cellular regeneration of the epidermis to obtain an excellent anti-aging effect. Minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and iron are also present in reasonable quantities inside the pomegranate.

Pomegranate And Health

Further practical actions carried out by the pomegranate are aimed at the prevention of the pathology of atherosclerosis and numerous cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. In particular, this fruit, if taken regularly, has an anticoagulant action, reduces bad cholesterol, and increases good cholesterol. Furthermore, thanks to the presence of phytoestrogens, when the fruits are particularly ripe, the symptoms of menopause can be combated (hot flashes, mood swings, nervousness, and decreased libido).

Also Read: Weird, But True! Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Your Kiwi Fruit Skins!

Pomegranate And Cancer

A study published in Clinical Cancer Research demonstrates how pomegranate is also associated with benefits in the oncology field against Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. The research, disclosed in 2018, demonstrates how a quantity of 200ml of pomegranate per day reduced the proliferation of harmful cells in the body of patients with prostate cancer by more than double. From this demonstration, other studies have now been carried out, which have also demonstrated benefits for breast and intestinal cancer. In particular, the three substances effective against cancer are the three polyphenols contained in pomegranate:

  • Luteolin
  • Ellagic acid
  • Punic acid
  • They prevent metastasis and inhibit the progression of prostate cancer.
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Consuming too much pomegranate leads to the development of some side effects, in particular:
  • Laxative effects ;
  • Interactions with drugs for blood pressure and metabolism. It is advisable always to consult your doctor if you are using medications to avoid unwanted effects;

High sugar content is present in pomegranates, so be careful for diabetic people and those with high quantities of glucose in the blood. Allergic reactions after certain surgical operations (in these cases, always consult your doctor). Bark intoxication (drowsiness, headache, dizziness, difficulty breathing) is to be consumed in moderation.

Recipes And How To Include It In Your Diet

Pomegranate can be drunk in two unique ways: by ingesting the berries or by disengaging the juice. The two methods of utilization bring the ideal advantages, regardless of whether the juice seems to have a more prompt and compelling activity for the body, as well as getting a more fantastic substance than the singular grains of the natural product. Being a low-calorie natural product, the pomegranate is ideal for improving eating regimens, joined with fundamental dishes and, specifically, with vegetables, like a plate of mixed greens.

Enhancing and decorating dishes with pomegranate seeds can furnish that sweetish note with a woody delayed flavor impression that is missing, as well as making the dish being served more tasteful and bright. Pomegranate seeds can likewise be drunk independently with a touch of lemon squeeze or joined with dried natural products or couscous and risotto to make exciting and delightful recipes. To put it plainly, there are different sorts of natural product use, and it is fundamental to recall that there could be no more excellent or more regrettable one; everything shifts from the singular’s taste and emotional setting.

How To Extract Berries From The Fruit?

To consume pomegranate seeds, straightforwardly strip them. You want to make a vertical or even cut toward the finish of the natural product with the assistance of a blade and concentrate the berries inside with the aid of a teaspoon. On the off chance that, in any case, you need to settle on a more helpful technique, trying not to take care of business, you can utilize a bowl of water with the natural product inside.

When disengaged, the beans can be washed and eliminated from the shaded buildups of the natural product. How to set up a new and fast pomegranate smoothie that is reasonable for breakfast yet in addition to a sound day-to-day nibble or to establish a decent connection toward the finish of a feast with companions.

Methodology for two individuals:

  • Squeeze 300ml of pomegranate, one banana cut into slices, 125g of plain vegetable yogurt, and 100g of apple or berries with an average citrus juicer;
  • Blend until you obtain a smooth, lump-free mixture;
  • Garnish each glass with scattered pomegranate seeds.

The smoothie is an excellent recipe for enriching the fruit with new and more substantial flavors, but remember that the natural extract is even healthier and rich in natural nutrients.


The pomegranate does not have an exceptionally high caloric requirement; in fact, 100 grams of edible fruit contains 68 calories (88% carbohydrates, 6% fiber, 3% proteins, 3% lipids).

How To Grow Pomegranate: Do It Yourself

This fruit arises in the autumn season, from October and throughout the winter, and can be grown from seed, even in your home garden. It is recommended to germinate the seed indoors in the colder months and then plant outdoors, if you have soil, in the warmer months.

Let’s see the two types of do-it-yourself pomegranate cultivation:

  • Although the pomegranate reaches impressive dimensions in pots, it can be grown in pots and then transferred after about 5-6 years to more extensive soil. The cultivation is the classic one, starting from the seed;
  • In the garden, pomegranates can be grown, but it is still recommended, for the first few months, to grow them in a pot to strengthen the roots and then plant them in the home garden.

Also Read: Exotic Fruits: Reasons To Treat Them This Winter

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