Intimate Confession: Mistakes We Make In Intimate Hygiene

Most people know how to care for their skin, hair, and teeth. But what about care in the genital area? The fact is: as long as there are no problems, very few pay attention to whether they are doing everything right when caring for the intimate zone.

While advertisements, the media, and even friends regularly provide us with more or less helpful tips for fuller hair or radiant skin, there is hardly any mention of the care of our intimate areas. Even though our vagina really deserves the best and should be treated with the same care as other parts of the body.

Young girls in particular, who experience completely new physical changes during puberty, should know how to feel clean. Typical new experiences such as menstrual bleeding, natural discharge, and increased sweat production are a completely natural development, but also a reason for following a conscientious care routine for women. However, some things can go wrong because you simply have not thought about it.

For all women who are now wondering whether they are doing everything right when it comes to intimate hygiene, we have listed a few typical mistakes and how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: A ‘Too Much’ Maintenance Routine

The daily care routine includes washing yourself every day and putting on fresh clothes. What should go wrong? Quite a lot indeed, because a lot of women have the need to cleanse themselves excessively and use aggressive soaps or even vaginal douches for this.

This is exactly the mistake: if you overdo it with daily cleaning, you can unbalance the sensitive vaginal flora. The natural protective function of the mucous membranes is destroyed. This can not only dry out sensitive skin and cause uncomfortable itching. Unwanted germs also have a chance to attach themselves more easily to the mucous membranes, so that infections are promoted.

During menstruation, some women feel that they have to wash particularly thoroughly. It is precisely then that products should be used that support the vaginal flora. Intimate wash lotions that are perfectly matched to the needs and acidic pH of the vagina are ideal. In addition, regular monthly hygiene applies during the period: changes tampons and pads several times a day or cleans the menstrual cup.

Mistake 2: Use Shower Gel For The Whole Body

Hand on heart: Who really cares if you take a shower properly? Put water on, shower gel in the palms of your hands, and everywhere. But this is exactly where one of the most common mistakes happens: You also use the shower gel for the intimate zone.

The problem: The vaginal pH is between 3.8 and 4.5, that of conventional shower gels is usually much higher and you disturb the natural balance in the intimate area.

If warm water is not enough to clean the genital area, you should ideally use a special intimate wash lotion. This does not disturb the sensitive milieu, because these care products are perfectly tailored to the needs and the acidic pH of the intimate zone.


Mistake 3: Clean Inside

There is another mistake some of us make when showering when it comes to the question of whether you can continue to clean yourself “inside”. Stop! Stop! Please don’t even think about it! It is understandable that sometimes you want to be particularly thorough. But the supposed “more” of cleanliness does not bring more in this case, but can even be harmful.

Any gynecologist would clap his hands over his head. The reason: water, soap, and shower gel that gets into the vagina can, as already mentioned, cause great damage by affecting the naturally protective vaginal flora. Cleaning inside the vagina is absolutely unnecessary because the vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism thanks to its complex flora.

Mistake 4: The Wrong Ingredients

For the sensitive skin in the genital area, certain ingredients are more suitable than others. When selecting intimate care products, pay attention to undesirable ingredients: perfume, alcohol, artificial colors and paraffins should not be found in them. So-called “hot” ingredients such as essential oils such as mint or tea tree oil have no place in the intimate area.

Caring ingredients that support the skin’s natural protective barrier are better. Many people already know hyaluronic acid from facial care. This fabric also provides a lot of moisture “down under” and thus counteracts dryness and itching.

Another ingredient is also heard quite often: jojoba oil. In combination with vitamin E, the oil is particularly nourishing and skin-friendly and not only makes the skin on the face supple.

Mistake 5: The Main Thing Is Hairless

Of course, everyone is free to design their intimate hairstyle according to their personal preference, whether Brazilian waxing or wild growth nature. However, there are also some risks that need to be considered. In the meantime, many people, regardless of whether they are men or women, opt for complete pubic hair removal for aesthetic reasons. Especially after shaving, however, there are often minor skin irritations and inflammations.

In addition, pubic hair actually has a protective function. They serve, among other things, as protection against temperature fluctuations and as a protective barrier against external influences. If you remove the hair completely, germs could easily get into the vagina.

1. razor blade: Make sure to replace the razor blade in good time, after five applications at the latest. As a result, the blade does not become blunt and the genital hair can be removed more easily. In addition, no bacteria can accumulate.

2. Note the direction of hair growth: when shaving wet, pull the blade over the skin in the direction of hair growth. With dry shaving with an electric razor, epilation, or waxing, you work against the direction of hair growth.

3. Prepares the skin: Start the hair removal only after a warm shower, because this cleanses your skin, the pores of the skin open and the hair is easier to remove and the result remains smooth for longer.

4. Pay attention to the correct hair length: Skin irritation can also occur if the intimate hair is too long or too short for the respective hair removal method. A length of 0.2 cm is optimal for a wet shave, 0.2 to 0.5 cm is sufficient for epilation and at best 0.5 to 1 cm for waxing or sugaring.

5. During the shave: The shaving foam should be suitable for sensitive skin, contain nourishing ingredients, but no fragrances. Ideally, an intimate wash lotion for the intimate area can also be used as an alternative. Because this also protects the sensitive vaginal flora.


Mistake 6: The Wrong Direction

People rarely speak about toilet hygiene. However, some things can go wrong. Therefore, we have to speak frankly about the matter: when cleaning after using the toilet, you should always wipe from front to back. Never from the back to the front!

Proper wiping reduces the risk of intestinal bacteria entering the vagina or urethra. If this happens, it can lead to unpleasant infections. So keep the direction, then you can prevent bladder infections, among other things.

Extra tip: Speaking of cystitis: did you know that you should always go to the toilet after sex? Most of the time this is what the body demands anyway, and that’s a good thing because it flushes the urinary tract clean again.

Mistake 7: The Wrong Underwear

Lingerie looks beautiful, with delicate lace or made of shiny fabrics. The synthetic fibers leave nothing to be desired. In the tight panties, many women simply feel good all around.

However, women should be aware that wearing synthetic underwear, however beautiful, can have a negative effect on vaginal health. The reason: the artificial fibers and too narrow cuts hinder the moisture exchange. Sweat and moisture create a warm, humid climate in which the vaginal flora becomes unbalanced.

Tip: Just leave the underwear out! Especially when going to bed, it makes sense to slip into your pajamas without washing. The reason: the air can circulate and no moisture builds up, so you can do a favor especially for sensitive skin.

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