The Ideal Diet For Menopause

Eat broccoli, soy products or pumpkin seeds and use the botanicals they contain to improve menopausal symptoms? That sounds good. But does it work?

Hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disorders: menopause is torture for many women. And then there are often additional pounds that the scales show and for which there is no explanation. But no woman has to be torn into a hole by it. Instead, it means: take active countermeasures. From Irmgard Zierden’s point of view, this includes a balanced, vitamin-rich diet. According to the gynecologist and naturopathic doctor, foods gently but effectively relieve menopausal symptoms. What is the ideal diet for menopause?

Soy, Flax Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds

We are talking about the phytoestrogens contained in plant-based foods – for example, in soy products and flaxseed, and pumpkin seeds. These substances are said to mimic the estrogen produced by our bodies. So if the estrogen level in women falls during menopause and leads to symptoms such as night sweats, phytoestrogens should have a balancing effect.

How Effective Are Phytoestrogens?

That sounds good, but the evidence is missing: “But there is no tangible scientific evidence for this,”

Irmgard Zierden also points out that studies on the effectiveness of phytoestrogens are not clear. The gynecologist reports positive feedback from the practice: “In my office hours, women tell me again and again that it is good for their condition during menopause if their diet includes foods with phytoestrogens,” That is why she recommends women try it out – and incorporate appropriate foods into their diet.

Phytoestrogens are found, for example, in legumes, cereals, berries and some fruits such as plums.

Proper Diet During Menopause – What Should Women Eat?

Broccoli, all types of cabbage and rocket are also said to affect menopausal symptoms positively. “In any case, they score with plenty of vitamins and minerals,” says Wechsler. Garlic is also said to be beneficial. It probably not only has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular diseases but is also said to work against bone loss due to a lack of estrogen. The effect has also not been scientifically proven.

“You can’t say that this or that food helps against menopausal symptoms,” says nutritionist Wechsler. It is a question of the total intake: “It is important to have a balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables.”

The gynecologist Zierden sees it that way too. However, from her point of view, it is worth paying a little more attention to when you eat something during menopause. For example, she advises against eating raw vegetables in fruit and salads in the evening. “This puts too much strain on the intestines at night,” she says. As a result, this could lead to sleep disorders and hot flashes in women.

Diet Tips For Hot Flashes

To avoid hot flashes, coffee should not be drunk in the evening and only in doses during the day. Hot spices and too much alcohol can also promote hot flashes and sweats. Therefore, Irmgard Zierden relies on keeping to measure.

Menopausal Diet – Eat Lightly And Moderately In The Evening

She advises menopausal women to eat lightly and, above all, moderately in the evening to prevent sleep disorders. Under no circumstances should dinner be the main meal of the day. To protect the intestines at night, intermittent fasting is also recommended now and then: “So don’t eat anything after 6 p.m.,”

If you have trouble sleeping, a cup of lavender tea before bed is often more helpful than a glass of wine. “Wine promotes falling asleep, but often hinders sleeping through the night,” A so-called gratitude exercise may also help and lead to calmness. That means: be aware of what went well during the day and be mentally grateful for it.

For many women, menopause is also noticeable when looking at the scales – they put on weight even though they have not eaten more than usual. “It’s the course of life,” says the nutritionist.

Fewer Calories Needed

With increasing age, the body breaks down muscle mass and the metabolism changes. This means that the organism uses less energy. Women should therefore adjust their calorie intake during menopause.

Not least for heart health, it is also important to consume fat as moderately as possible. “Omega-3 fatty acids are ideal, “They are found in walnuts, for example, but also in types of fish such as herring and salmon. Fish should be on the menu twice a week if possible.

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