Treatment Options For A Herniated Disc

Chiropractic treatment is the most ideal solution for most of your body ache problems. However, in the case of a herniated disc, you have to be extremely careful about the treatment options. If you are suffering from a herniated disc, you should know everything you can possibly know about it. This includes all treatment options for a herniated disc. To help you with this, we have mentioned below some treatment options for a herniated disc.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Before you get to know about the treatment options, you should be aware of your condition. You can also consult a chiropractic care centre if you want to know more about this. The bones that make your spinal cord are cushioned through a disc between them. This disc has a hard outer layer and a jelly-like substance which is the nucleus. This disc helps cushion the different bones of the spinal cord. There can be a tear in the outer layer of the disc. This causes the nucleus to shift its position and therefore, this leads to a herniated disc. Several problems can be caused due to this.

What are the Different Causes of Herniated Disc?

The causes can be extremely common. The causes of the herniated disc have not exactly been confirmed. However, there are several causes that have been found to be common by chiropractic treatment professionals and other doctors. These causes are:

  • Injury during an accident.
  • Heavy things being lifted or moved.
  • Jerk or a sudden blow to the neck or in the lower back.
  • Heavy exercises.

What are the different Treatment Options for a Herniated Disc?

There are various treatment options that can cure herniated discs. There can be surgeries, non-surgical treatments, lumbar spinal surgery, cervical spinal surgery, etc. These have been mentioned in detail below.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Most professionals recommend non-surgical treatments at first. The most generally include treatments like chiropractic care techniques. The chiropractor makes use of different therapies and manipulations to the neck and the lower back to help adjust the herniated disc. Doctors also suggest patients not perform heavy exercises for the time being. Different pain killers, other medicines, injections, etc., are also used if the herniated disc is only a minor problem. Physical therapies like meditation, exercise to maintain proper posture, etc., are also recommended by various doctors. Specialized treatments are also devised according to the needs and the requirements of the patients. Some non-surgical treatments are mentioned below.

  • Electrical muscle stimulation
  • Ice and heat therapy
  • Ultrasounds
  • Pelvic traction
  • Gentle massage
  • Stretching exercises


If there has been no relief provided by using non-surgical methods, doctors most generally recommend surgery. To determine the exact cause and procedure of the surgery, the doctor talks with the patient. While considering surgery, many factors like age, health conditions, previous medical history, etc., are taken into account. Most of the patients are treated after surgery. However, there might be a few cases that may not completely recover from a herniated disc. A doctor can also recommend spinal surgery to the patient in the following situation.

  • A patient is in extremely good health.
  • Normal bowel and bladder functions have been lost.
  • Pain limits the daily activities of life.
  • The person is facing difficulty while standing or walking.
  • Physical therapies and medications have not worked.

Lumbar Spine Surgery

To relieve people from leg pain and sciatica that has been caused by a herniated disc, the doctor generally recommends lumbar spine surgery to his/her patient. A small incision in the lower back region is made. A portion of the lamina may or may not be removed depending on the severity of the case during the procedure. The muscles are moved to the side after the incision has been made. This is done so that the vertebrae can be easily seen and accessed by the surgeon. To gain easy access to the herniated disc, a small opening is made between two bones of the vertebrae. The disc is then removed through a discectomy. The spine is stabilized after the discectomy.

Artificial Disc Surgery

The surgery is usually done to replace the affected disc. In this surgery, an incision is made through the stomach. The doctor then uses his special tools to remove and replace the herniated disc. However, there are only a few people who are recommended artificial disc surgery. This depends on the severity of the case. There are many conditions that have to be fulfilled in order for someone to be qualified for this surgery.

  • The patient must have at least has 6 months of treatment history. This includes physical therapy like chiropractic treatment and other such methods.
  • The patient should be in extremely good health without any previous cases of serious medical conditions.
  • There should be no signs or presence of infection, arthritis, or osteoporosis.
  • There should only be one herniated disc.

Cervical Spinal Surgery

The exact position of the herniated disc influences the decision to perform the surgery through the front or the back of the neck. Cervical spinal surgery can include removal of the lamina. This is followed by the removal of the herniated disc. However, not every patient requires surgical fusion. However, it is important for the spine to stabilize after the surgery has been performed. A cervical plate, interbody device, and screws are used to ensure the stabilization of the spine. These are then fitted in place of the herniated disc for ensuring proper support to the spinal cord. The patient needs complete rest after the surgery. No stressful or heavy tasks should be performed.

These are some treatment options for a herniated disc. You should be extremely well aware of all these to ensure that you are getting the best possible chiropractic care and other forms of treatment from other professionals. You have to ensure that you are maintaining good posture and leading a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating healthy, getting proper rest, using stress management techniques, avoiding strain and sprains, etc. Please ensure complete recovery if you take all the necessary steps.


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