
Typical Training Mistakes That Many Of Us Make In The Gym

As an example, we go to the gym three times a week – but somehow nothing happens! We neither lose weight nor does the body become tighter and firmer. Something must be going wrong!

However! Anyone who goes to the gym regularly but doesn’t notice any changes is probably making one or more of these typical mistakes, thus destroying the gym’s success. Apart from a healthy balanced diet, exercise can also influence the lack of change in the figure.

Training Mistakes: Choose Training Too Easy

The muscles must fail! If they hurt just a little at the end of a strength session and we could still do at least five repetitions, it’s high time to change the weights and use more. Muscles only grow when challenged. Talk to the trainers at the gym about it. They’ll explain how to target failure and if that’s the right path for you.

Training Mistakes: Not Breaking A Sweat

Some people don’t sweat naturally, or only very little. But they are the exception. The average gym goer sweats when they are active on the treadmill or cross trainer. The pulse goes much faster, the skin turns red, and the first beads of sweat appear on the forehead. If that’s not the case, we should increase the pace significantly because there’s still a lot more to come!

Training Mistakes: Taking Too Many Breaks

The body needs short breaks between sets on the weight machines. But spending ten minutes on one device for three sets of 15 repetitions takes too much time. A break of one to two minutes is enough. Then it would be best if you continued so that the muscles are appropriately stressed.

Training Mistakes: Not Varying Training

Always set the same speed on the treadmill, and do the same machines with the same weights: Nobody increases their performance that way. A bit of variety is needed in terms of intensity and the equipment itself. Try something different!

Training Mistakes: Not Having A Real Plan

Just do it – this approach is, unfortunately, totally wrong in training. There is a reason why a training plan is created beforehand, and you are shown exactly how to set up the equipment. This is the only way we train what we want and have suitable weights and positions. Without this knowledge, the risk of injury increases significantly.

Training Mistakes: Training Incorrectly

Super fast or slow and controlled: that makes a big difference on the equipment in the gym. We should let the trainers show us how to do the exercise correctly. This is the only way we can prevent injuries and, above all, optimally train our muscles.

Training Mistakes: More Chatting Than Training

It’s much better to train with a training partner. And it’s a great reason to even show up in the studio. But beware! If you chatter and get distracted, you don’t do anything for your muscles.

Apart from a healthy balanced diet, exercise can also influence the lack of change in the figure. We should also take a healthy diet along with gym training.

Also Read: How High Is The Risk Of Corona Infection In The Gym?

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